Massage - An Investment In Health

Long before I began my training to become a licensed massage therapist, I was utilizing the benefits of bodywork in my personal life.

In fact, it’s for that very reason why I chose Massage Therapy as my career. I wanted to be able to provide the mind-body wellness massage that helped me achieve and that many others crave.

Most of us spend our time in “go mode.” We can thank our Western lifestyle that constantly keeps us in a state of frenzy and anxiety. We have to continuously deal with stress about work, deadlines, time commitments—the list goes on. On top of all of this stress, we are fueled by copious amounts of caffeine and sugar. No wonder most of us are burned out and worn down.

Did you know however there is a simple, natural, and time-tested remedy for this? It’s the bodywork. Receiving bodywork is a wonderful way to give our system time to relax. However with something so important for our overall health and well-being—massage and bodywork unfortunately has become an idea of luxury.

I often hear from others, “Oh, I simply cannot afford massage on a regular basis”. Or I’ll hear clients say, “I am treating myself to a massage today, I’ve been too stressed”. This sentiment also makes me chuckle. I mean don’t get me wrong; it’s great that my client is going for bodywork, it’s just interesting to me that they still consider a massage or bodywork an occasional “treat.” It’s funny to me because if we are spending a huge portion of our time in stressed out, pain-ridden, emotionally drained state, then why is that we only provide relief for ourselves sporadically?

I don’t think that anyone enjoys being in a state of unease. Yet this is what we have become accustomed to. Why do we associate the benefits of feeling good from massage as something that only happens once in a while? I can’t think of anyone who wants to continuously feel sore, run-down, and out of balance.

A co-worker of mine told me, “I don’t see the value in getting a massage. I used to go regularly, but the effects don’t last.” For example, she mentioned she experience stress reduction, lower blood pressure, mood enhancement, and pain relief, but the effects so soon wear off and she couldn’t see spending the money.

I sat back and had to think for a bit. Does anything last? Nothing in our lives stays exactly the same. As humans, we are not stagnant beings – but things change daily, things including our physiology. Our bodies are in a constant struggle to maintain and bring itself back into balance. Just like cars, tires need to be replaced, the oil needs to be changed, fluids flushed and even cars need “bodywork”. Our bodies are the same we need regular maintenance in order to keep ourselves working top-notch.

Bodywork is an investment in good health. I sure have benefited from it. Contact me to see how bodywork can help you.


Angelic Healing Through Integrated Energy Therapy ®


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